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Our Thoughts Are With You

If you’ve been impacted by the ongoing wildfires, please see our California Wildfire Recovery Resource Guide.

Get the support you need, when you need it.

We’re ready to meet with employers, savers, and stakeholders about CalSavers! We have a multilingual outreach team who can help businesses set up CalSavers, talk with their employees, and share resources. Meet our Client Services team to learn about program requirements and deadlines, how to join CalSavers, and how to facilitate the program.


Stay on track for deadlines

Attend a session based on where you are in the facilitation process and stay on the path to compliance with all state requirements.


Step-by-step instructions

We provide detailed instructions for each activity supported by tips, templates and other resources.


Personalized support

Have questions? No problem, we're here to provide answers to all your specific questions.

Employer Webinars

There are three topic sessions you can attend to help with your understanding of program activities. Most employers will start with Introduction to CalSavers, but you can register for any event topic at any time. Before each session, our Client Services team will contact you with log-in information and instructions. Be on the lookout for these emails.


Webinars are typically scheduled for one hour, including interactive Q and A.


Click on the language link below to access the schedule. We have plenty of dates to choose from. Check back often as new sessions are added frequently.


Introduction to CalSavers

In this session, we’ll provide you with a complete overview of the program including why CalSavers was created, a summary of what your employees will experience and detailed explanations of employer responsibilities and deadlines.

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How to Add Employee Information and Submit Contributions

This session will focus on two important tasks employers must complete: adding employee information to the employer portal and submitting contributions. After you add their information, your employees will be invited to access their new IRA account or opt out if they prefer not to participate. Once employees are enrolled, employers must submit contributions for participating employees. Both of these tasks are ongoing for employers, as you will add new employees and deactivate those who leave, and continue to submit contributions for each pay period.

Sign up today

Saver Webinars

Webinar sessions are also available for employees. Savers can learn about CalSavers, how enrollment works, retirement saving options, and how to manage an account. Webinars are typically scheduled for about 40 minutes, including interactive Q and A.

Meeting One-on-One

Our in-state team is also available to meet with employers and employees in person to discuss program activities, provide account setup guidance, and answer any questions.

Select your region to schedule a meeting with a representative from your area.

If you would prefer to schedule a meeting in a language other than English, please use the “By Language” tab below to see available options.

Prefer to do this on your own?

Many employers have successfully completed these steps on their own using our self-guided resources. Access the Facilitation page to review these materials - videos and written guides, tips and templates – to help you meet your requirements.

Learn more